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Videology Opens TV Division

Programmatic ad tech firm Videology has opened a TV division, the Wall Street Journal has reported.

[A]ccording to Videology Chief Executive Scott Ferber, the TV business may not be ready to sell all of its ads via an auction-driven exchange like display advertising–and it may never be,” writes the WSJ. “But more and more TV advertisers want to borrow the precision targeting and campaign refinement tactics common to online advertising and port them over to TV ad planning, Mr. Ferber contends. And he believes that Videology’s has built a suite of tools and services that can do just that.”

The new TV division “will focus on helping advertisers better plan TV campaigns, and better connect those campaigns with corresponding digital ad efforts. In other words, this is to help TV advertisers spend their money better and smarter. It’s not about getting TV companies to dump all their ads in an exchange and sell them like banners,” the article reads.



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