When it comes to video advertising, TV is still king, but digital video is growing fast.
According to Nielsen, digital video advertising is driving significant double-digit incremental reach, particularly when it comes to reaching consumers age 18-49 years old. The Nielsen data showed that digital campaigns drove 16% incremental reach among consumers in this key adult demo.
The combination of TV and digital drove the most incremental reach, improving reach by 18% among viewers 18-34, and 16% among viewers 35-49.
Nielsen found that 12% of the 18-34 audience was only reached through digital components of a campaign, compared to 5% of viewers 35-49. Younger consumers are significantly more likely to only get brand messaging through digital.
Connected TV continues to grow, per Nielsen’s data, with CTV devices delivering an incremental reach of 3% on top of traditional linear TV, among viewers 18-49.
Despite the growth in digital, the Total Ad Ratings data still suggests traditional TV is king, driving 8X as many impressions as digital. Over time those metrics are shifting.
The data comes from Nielsen’s cross-platform measurement solution, Total Ad Ratings. This is the first time the company is sharing insights from that product.
Total Ad Ratings launched in 2012, and seeks to bring together the TV currency data with the company’s digital currency data.
The same and perhaps more could be said for other combinations of media---TV plus magazines, for example ---or TV plus radio. All Nielsen is doing is promoting its new "cross platform" TV and digital media service. It would also help if Nielsen provided the GRP audience weights that underly these reach tabulations.