
Data Strategy: Starts with First-Party Data

Dell is proud of using its first-party data because it keeps the brand transparent. "If we're using first-party data, we have no one to blame but ourselves, said Jeremy Parker, Global DMP Audience Manager at Dell, at MediaPost's Data & Programmatic Insider Summit in Captiva, Florida, on May 3. "We rely on third-party data for insights; it helps in scaling our first-party audiences."

As it prepares for a cookie-free world, Dell is gearing up to provide a true, omnichannel experience. "We have to stop marketing to customers like devices and cookies and start marketing to them like people," he said. "If you have first-party CRM data, put it to work, don't over-segment it from the beginning, let the data do the decisioning, and rely on third-party providers to help fill the gaps."

Dell has made a big change on the bottom, with fewer data providers and more strategic partners. "We focus on three core providers and we brief them in just as we would our agency." They help in building audiences and then send data to Dell's DMP for acquisition.

In general, Dell took four steps:

1. Access technology stack and business requirements. Where, What, Who.

2. Identify and organize data (30 years of consumer data). Identifiers and attributes.

3. Start with high-value segment sand execute. Segment --> onboard --> activate

4. Refine, optimize and expand. Let the data drive the decision-making.

Results over 12 months:

  • 4X increase in # of CRM audiences
  • 3X increase in # of CRM activation channels
  • 470% increase in ROAS compared to third-party audiences
  • 51% reduction in third-party spend YOY
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