NBCU Deepens Business Outcome Measure For Advertisers With Total Investment Impact

Deepening its efforts to provide business outcome results to its advertisers, NBCUniversal is offering a metric called Total Investment Impact.

It will measure the effect of an advertiser's total NBCU media investment -- TV, digital platforms, and other media extensions -- on its actual sales.

Honda is a collaborating in the beta launch of Total Measurement Impact, and NBCU expects to have more advertiser partners involved.

The real value with the measure, says NBCU, comes with a “continuous learning model” for each succeeding advertiser, where business outcome plans are made based on the latest model results.

The metric will look at “media and non-media factors” to measure TV and digital video's impact, as well as internal and external factors to evaluate media value, “fluid” time frames for long-term impact of premium video against “arbitrary campaign attribution” windows, and predictive modeling to access decision-making.



Total Measurement Impact is a component of NBCU’s One Platform, the combined TV and digital ad buying and management platform. One Platform allows marketers to target key audiences, for all NBC screens, networks, and dayparts, with one single audience guarantee.

NBCU says its move to link media buys to business outcomes got a big push in 2018 with the launch of CFlight measure, which guarantees as a single TV-video audience guarantee for the entire length of a marketer’s campaign.

4 comments about "NBCU Deepens Business Outcome Measure For Advertisers With Total Investment Impact".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, September 17, 2020 at 11:04 a.m.

    It will be interesting to see how this type of research handles overlap of audience between NBCU ad scehules and those for the same advertisers using other media platforms---or combinations thereoff. In many cases sales results can not be directly lionked to ad exposures on a single show or channel when many programs and channels are utilized. They all work in combination to get the desired result.Stay tuned.

  2. britta cleveland from meredith, September 17, 2020 at 2:46 p.m.

    This is a great idea and one that Meredith has been providing to advertisers in our digital, video and magazine properties for over 10 years with our Meredith Sales Guarantee. 

  3. John Grono from GAP Research replied, September 17, 2020 at 4:52 p.m.

    I agree Ed.   I doubt that NBCU will have the necessary granularity of the data.

    For example, and focussing just on video ads (which is what I think NBCU is meaning when they use the word "Total") will they have accurate media investment on other TV channels, casble, streaming, online video etc. in order to establish NBCU's impact amongst all the activity.

    Then throw in the other support media, say, radio and OOH.

    Oh, and then there is price activity.   Not only for the brand being advertised, but for competitive brands in that category.   Maybe distribution or supply have altered during that period for the brand and its competitors.   I hope the weather didn't have an impact too.

  4. Eric Fischer from HJA Strategic Consulting, September 21, 2020 at 12:58 p.m.

    While admirable, assume there are many caveats built in to protect the media vendor.  There are too many non-media factors that go into an actual purchase and thinking media is 100% responsible for purchase is too simplistic.  It opens up media vendors to factors beyond their control (price, promotion, weather anomalys, regulatory environments.etc...).

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