There’s a growing chorus of pundits who believe scandal-ridden super PAC The Lincoln Project should call it quits but the group is having none of it. (And it still has its fair share of supporters too.)
Its latest move: The creation of a “transition advisory committee” that is headed by LP senior advisor Tara Setmayer, who is also a CNN and ABC News political commentator and current fellow resident at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics. She was communications director of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2006 to 2013.
The committee is tasked with supporting an ongoing probe by law firm Paul Hastings into sex harassment allegations against John Weaver--a now departed co-founder of the anti-Trump PAC-- as well as the group’s general operations and culture.
“We are moving forward quickly to address the challenges we face and will do so with transparency while respecting the seriousness of the allegations that have been made,” the LP tweeted yesterday. “We are committed to a fulsome and thorough accounting of our work while continuing to fight for our democracy.”
Setmayer tweeted, “I believe strongly in LP’s mission. Wanted to be part of the solution. Happy to announce my role as Chairman of the Transition Advisory Committee to guide @projectlincoln through this pivotal phase as we right the ship to continue our important pro democracy work.”
If every PAC or organization that had a staff member, at a high level, who engaged in sexual harassment had to close down - there would be no more PACs or organizations. They are doing what they have to in order to fix this. Enough.