Ed Papazian
Member since March 2005Contact Ed- president Media Dynamics
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Articles by Ed All articles by Ed
- Call To Action: Let's Upgrade Our National TV Ratings So They Mean Something in
MediaDailyNews on
Isn't it time we stopped talking about improving our TV rating system and did something about it?
- A Proposal To Change TV's Upfront For The Better in
Research Intelligencer on
Can brands break free of the restrictive effects of corporate upfront time-buying, with its emphasis on garnering the lowest overall CPMs, even at the cost of disregarding the mindset and demographic targeting needs of the brands? Likewise, is there a way for the time sellers to maximize their total ad revenue yields in the upfront while controlling marketplace pricing and still offering advertisers the buying flexibility they crave? The answer is yes, and here's how it would -- or could -- work.
- A Proposal To Change TV's Upfront For The Better in
MediaDailyNews on
Is there a way for brands to break free of the restrictive effects of corporate upfront time buying? Can the time sellers maximize their total ad revenue yields in the upfront while controlling marketplace pricing and still offering advertisers the buying flexibility they crave?
Comments by Ed All comments by Ed
- Local Broadcast 'Interface' Initiative Is Like Deja Vu All Over Again
Joe Mandese
(RTBlog on
Joe, I don't know if anyone remembers but way back----like about fifty years ago--- Arbitron tried to set up an electronic spot TV avail and rating analysis system, using Arbitron TV ratings as the currency for local market TV buys. Sellers were supposed to submit their avails and costs to the program while the agencies used Arbitron ratings to calculate GRPs, CPMs, etc. then repond to the sellers in what was described as an "advanced" ----that word again-----time buying system. The proposal never got off the ground due to seller resistance as well as numerous issues---like how do you use old data to predict future ratings, whether sellers would guarantee delivery, etc. In reality, this was a ploy to lock in Arbitron as the rating service of choice at a time when Nielsen was making strong inroads in the local market measurement field and challenging Arbitron's dominance. We all know how that turned out.
- CMOs, Audiences Move To Their Own Beats
Nathan Hanks
(Marketing Insider on
How true. I can still recall mny of the old radio jingles like," Pepsi Cola hits the spot, twelve full ounces, that's a lot, etc. etc." As TV commercials get shorter and shorter, the role of musical elements may become compromised, perhaps fatally.It's a good selling point for radio----no doubt about it.
- Brands Should Consider Co-Viewing On OTT Platforms
Alex Weprin
(Digital News Daily on
The fact that people sometimes watch TV along with othes does not mean that this is a typical situation. Indeed, it is distinctly atypical. As subscribers to our annual, "TV Dimensions 2018", due out in January will note, approximately two thirds of all TV viewing takes place with a single person attending the set-----a far cry from the predominately "co-viewing" environment depicted in this study. We track the rise of "the solitary viewer" going back to TV's early days when the average TV home had more members than is the case now and large numbers of visitors---who didn't as yet have their own TV sets---viewed in their friends or neighbors' homes. But that was then and now is now. As I said, most TV viewing has become a solitary experience. Though "co-viewing" does take place from time to time, it is not the norm. I suspect that this is mostly true for OTT/SVOD as well, but we will have to wait for Nielsen to start putting out some findings to edify us on this score.
- How Will Disney Position Its SVOD Service Against Netflix?
Wayne Friedman
(TV Watch on
Very true, Paula. The net result of all of this "skinny bundling" and the SVOD invasion by the "linear TV" powers that be will be higher, not lower, costs per household for their TV content, compared to what they have now----but by the time that this is realized, it will be too late to go back to the "bad old pay TV days".
- Millennial Moms Are Asked 9.6 Times A Month For Recommendations
Holly Pavlika
(Marketing Insider on
So what's the corresponding finding for "Boomer moms' and older moms? How many times per month does the average 46-year-old mom give people advice on what brands to buy? And what about her mom? Isn't piling more money into TV the ideal way to reach such non-millennial "influencers"?Or are millennial moms the only ones who we should be concerned about?
- Rewarding The Best In Advanced-TV Audience Buying
Charlene Weisler
(Television News Daily on
Gabe, you are entitled to promote whatever cause you wish----after all this is still a free country. Instead of making snide remarks, however, why don't you explain why I'm out of touch and how exactly, it is possible to target "linear TV", not digital TV, ads specifically to particular consumers based on knowledge about the individual consumer's purchasing habits. I stand by my comments ---or as you say, "rants"-----and suggest that you provide answers instead of just labelling me as uninformed, then scurrying away into the underbrush. What I said and will keep saying until it changes is that so-called "advanced TV targeting", which you are promoting, does not exist as yet, in "linear TV". There is a distinction between "linear and digital TV" which I would assume you are well aware of. As for the OTT" breakthrough", I'm all for anyone who can actually target specific consumers with TV commercials and that includes Roku as well as anyone else. But "breakthrough" ---I'm sorry but that's a tad premature.
- Smart Device Ownership: Smartphone 94%, TV 34%, Smartwatch 7%
Chuck Martin
(Connected Thinking on
The latest is "smart earmuffs" which are expected to attain a penetration of .3% by 2020---up 175% from current levels. The demos are impressive---97% will be millennials and 78% will have incomes higher than $150k. A great advertising opportuniny looms just over the horizon.
- TV's New ROI For Marketers: Thor
Wayne Friedman
(TV Watch on
Fine for digital, Wayne, but how does this apply to "linear TV" buys which are where national TV ad dollars garner most of their reach and audience "impressions"?
- 'I'm a Reader'
Gary Holmes
(Television News Daily on
I wonder if it is true that she never watches TV in the first place?
- Advertisers Lack The Education To Keep Up With Technology
Laurie Sullivan
(Data & Programmatic Insider on
Henry, I doubt that respondents in such surveys---even if they are representative ( which I doubt )----have anything but the foggiest notion about what exactly is being asked. Not to worry, "human judgement" will probably prevail, somehow.
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