by Steven Smith on Jul 26, 9:25 AM
Paid, owned and earned media. There's no shortage of talk about it. And, while there's plenty of data on the reach and impact of paid media, there's far less about the effect of earned and owned - particularly its impact on men.
by Rob Jewell on Jul 19, 9:56 AM
Now that Mitt Romney is the clear front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, we're seeing both Romney and Obama's campaigns ratchet up their advertising in an effort to reach male voters going into November. Historically, most of the political spend for a Presidential election would be for television ads, but with Facebook's enormous reach, it now exceeds that of both broadcast and print media.
by Mark Jaffe on Jul 5, 11:33 AM
Men want to be entertained, no surprise there. So it makes perfect sense that brands would try to weave their message into articles, videos, games, shows, and films that men find entertaining. While the notion of branded content isn't new, marketers have become increasingly more creative in their tactics. Last month's Cannes Lions festival even added a "Branded Content & Entertainment" category to reflect the trend.
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