by Andy Tu on Jul 31, 4:00 PM
What defines luxury to a man 2015? Is it a Rolex and a private jet, or the ability to travel the world and gain life experiences?
by John West on Jul 24, 6:03 AM
To keep up with the growth of digital, today's content needs to be catered to audiences in a much more conscious and holistic way than it has been before. To reach younger male audiences, this means content providers need to shift, and with regard to male Millennials (18 - 34) and Generation Z (under 18) in particular, it's important to realize that they value very specific qualities in the media they consume. What should dictate the content targeted at young males is what's most important to them: ease of sharing, support for novel platforms, and on-demand viewership.
by Jon Beekman on Jul 17, 10:14 AM
When I founded my business, which focuses on creating gifts for guys, I knew it would be a long and difficult journey marketing to men. But I didn't fully realize how rewarding the prospect could be. Over the years we've taken some major risks in how we present our brand, and while not all have been successful, we've cultivated a unique voice where brash and outlandish humor are not just acceptable, but a key part of our marketing strategy. There are three business reason why we've been able to indulge in this creative freedom when marketing to men.
by Bryan Robb on Jul 10, 11:07 AM
Men these days spend more time than their Dads ever did helping out at home and watching the kids, according to numerous studies. But that doesn't mean that their interest in shiny new toys and flashy gadgets is on the wane. Quite the contrary!
by Christopher Penn on Jul 3, 10:45 AM
When I hear someone say, "we want to target men for our marketing campaign" or "we want men's publications for our PR campaign," that raises an immediate red flag to me as a marketer and an analyst. "Men" is a giant category, approximately 3.5 billion people, and the chances that your product, service, or announcement is going to resonate with all of them is exceptionally small. Campaigns that aim for "men" often fall far short of the target, at best wasting marketing dollars on people who don't care about what you have to offer, and at worst offending portions of …
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