by Jack Cohen-Martin on Mar 28, 10:00 AM
As everyone knows, March Madness, the NCAA Men's Division 1 Basketball Championship, has turned into a marketing bonanza. This is particularly good news for both TV and online video. Appointment viewing night after night, and this year's Tournament offers viewers more options than ever before - i.e. TV, TV Everywhere on multiple devices, apps for Google Play, Apple's iOS, live streaming on laptops/desktops, etc.
by David Measer on Mar 14, 8:05 AM
It's 2010, and LeBron James sits on a stool in a room full of children ready to announce "The Decision" live on ESPN. Every narrative says he's staying in Cleveland: local boy, best player of his generation, beloved in the community, backed by a solid team and a popular new coach. Why would he get on TV just to break his fans' hearts?
by Ethelbert Williams on Mar 7, 12:25 PM
Searching the aisles for the special deal and standing in checkout lines is not a guy's favorite pastime. It's no surprise that men don't like to shop and very much find many elements associated with retail highly frustrating.
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