It's Raining Men ... Or Is It?
    You can ask just about anyone on the street about men and you'll get just about as many varied responses as there are hours in the day. For example, there are the 5 Types of Men Every Women Wants and the 5 Types of Men Every Woman Should Avoid. There's also the 18 Types of Men You Should Date Before Getting Married and this Handy Guide to All Gay Men, too.
    Small Adventures Are Where Men Go To Be Men
    Men are being totally emasculated in our society today, aren't we? Even manly men like Adam Corolla are admitting it. Earlier this year he wrote a book, In 50 Years We'll All Be Chicks. He gives guys a hard time about their blurred gender roles and poses a lot of questions about where men are headed. Check out what he says in these quotes from the book. Major media outlets like the broadcast networks see it, too. They now green-light shows like "Happy Endings" and "The New Girl," where guys are nice and polite and aren't out for only that …
    What Happened To 'Maxim'?
    This month, Maxim magazine announced its first-ever drop in rate base, the paid circulation it guarantees advertisers. The former titan of the men's category took a 20% hit, from 2.5 million to 2.0 million. That's a big deal in magazines, where downscaling the rate base is avoided like the last third of a "Godfather" marathon.
    'You're Looking Mansome Today'
    Recently, I watched Morgan Spurlock's "Mansome." It was part lesson on the history of men's grooming, part study of extreme behaviors, and part funny guys poking fun. What was most striking to me though was the contrast between the attitudes of contemporary men at two ends of a spectrum. On one end are those obsessively focused on their appearance; on the other, those who see almost any grooming not directed at sexual conquest as an un-masculine indulgence.
    Is Your Brand Ready For Men Who Want To Live 'Medium'?
    Earlier this year, I was sitting down with an agency that represents a major European beer brand. They shared that they were having a hard time expressing to their client that the definition of how men in Europe "live large" and how men in the U.S. "live large" has changed dramatically over the last few years. To their client, living large still meant bottle service, designer suits, getting groomed to the nines, and fancy cars. They were trying to show that living large in the U.S. has changed and men, even those with disposable income, don't adhere to the traditional …
    What Online Porn And Video Games Tell Us About Male Behavior
    In Martin Amis' latest novel, Lionel Asbo, the titular character wonders aloud why any man would want to have a relationship with a woman when so much pornography is available online. Even real-life siren Raquel Welch recently expressed sympathy for men and their growing online porn habits: "We've gotten to a point in our culture where (men are) all sex addicts, sitting in front of their computers, completely annihilated. Poor babies, they can't control themselves."
    Hey! Men Buy Fabric Softener, Too
    In the 1983 film "Mr. Mom," Michael Keaton plays a guy who, after losing his job, must stay home and take care of the kids. Having apparently never done any work around the house whatsoever, he proceeds to wrestle a runaway vacuum cleaner, cook his son a grilled-cheese sandwich with an iron, and treat a diaper change as though he's handling plutonium. The movie still provides some decent laughs - it was written by a then-relatively unknown John Hughes - but the zany notion of a man staying home while his wife worked feels outdated 30 years later.
    Brands Go Back To School
    If you're a parent, someone in your household has likely been engaged in completing enrollment paperwork, school shopping, and the inevitable meet-the-teacher or orientation meeting. More likely than not, she's called mom - despite dads being more likely than ever to share some of these tasks.
    Who Came in First in the Olympic Games of Social Marketing? A Recap
    Since the summer of 2008 there has been explosive growth across the entire social media landscape with Facebook growing from approximately 100 million users in 2008 to more than 900 million in 2012 and Twitter growing from 6 million to 140 million in that same period.
    Mobile & The ADD Crowd
    Back in the old days, we used to tune out of something by staring blankly into space. Today, we have help from our fancy mobile devices - where we can spend hours mindlessly clicking around. In today's so-much-choice-everywhere culture, it's gotten increasingly hard to reach consumers - especially men. There is always another option to tune into now - listen to, read, stream, share, buy - and it's all at your fingertips.
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