
Consumers Say Digital Video, CTV Ads Influence Travel Decisions

A new consumer survey from supply-side advertising platform Magnite aims to make the case that CTV should be a part of travel-related brands’ media plans as consumers prepare to resume travel and vacations. 

Magnite commissioned Lucid to conduct an online survey of 903 travel decision-makers who intend to travel within …

1 comment about "Consumers Say Digital Video, CTV Ads Influence Travel Decisions".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, April 27, 2021 at 10:43 a.m.

    Karlene, did this survey ask about regular"linear TV" ads as having an influence on travellers or ads that appear in travel magazines or was it only  about CTV ads? I would think that any travel ads that a consumer sees would have an influence, not just CTV ads.

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