
Measurement In The Age Of Data and Fragmentation

Obviously cross-platform measurement in all its forms is a hot topic now, as the de-accreditation of Nielsen’s local and national TV measurement services by the Media Rating Council -- along with a highly fragmented media environment -- creates uncertainty and challenge.

Curious about what the industry as a whole was …

3 comments about "Measurement In The Age Of Data and Fragmentation".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, October 5, 2021 at 10:45 a.m.

    Good one Charlene. I would add that the reason  why different metrics are used for planning---and buying---different platforms is that few if any advertisers develop total media plans which evaluate alternative media mixes in any meaningful way. What happens, instead---and this has always been the case---is that allocations for national or local TV, magaizines, radio---sometimes---and now, digital media---CTV/OTT, etc. ---are made arbitrarily and while each is written up in its own section of "the brand's media plan", in reality "the plan" is nothing more than a collection of plans---one for each platform. As a rule. the brand's never see what the entire plan delivers with the various components interacting nor is a serious ----and different ----alternative mix presented for comparison. The only total plan stats are ad spending figures by medium and in total, laid out by month or quarter, so the brand can see how much might be cancelled ---if the need arises. Worse, the brand managers and CMOs see nothing wrong with this arbitrary and absurd system.

    Yes, I suppose there are exceptions to the rule---here and there---though I haven't seen one and I've been around for some time. All of which goes to the question of cross platform comparisons and the supposed need for a magical and truly comparable "audience metric". A lot of people think that if this quest was, somehow, successful that media plans would be greatly improved. I doubt that. Until CMOs wake up and encourage a true study of alternatives by their media not-savvy brand manager underlings and demand that the agencies become less predictable and more venturesome from a marketing standpoint in their media recommendations, little will happen. What's needed is total plan planning----not collections of plans for each platform based on arbitrary dictates.

  2. Charlene Weisler from Writer, Media Consultant: replied, October 5, 2021 at 10:56 a.m.

    Thanks Ed. Great comment and something to keep in mind.

  3. Michael Vinson from Comscore replied, October 5, 2021 at 7:59 p.m.

    It's a good point, Ed. There's a chicken-and-egg dynamic here: there isn't strong demand for a total media plan without a total media measurement, and vice versa. 

    Very good contribution, Charlene, on an important and provocative topic. 

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