How To Keep Up With The Fast-Changing Hispanic Market
    I spend a lot of time keeping up with the ever-changing Hispanic market. Over the past 10 years, the Hispanic market has grown exponentially, inspired the creation of numerous companies and careers, and played an important role in shaping the social and mobile industries in addition to political elections.
    Missing Ingredient Is User Experience
    User experience (UX) design is a rapidly growing and integral discipline in the maturing world of Web communications. UX is a broad term, very much in vogue these days, with as many definitions as practitioners. At its core, UX relates to how a person feels about using a product, system or service. It was born in the world of software and industrial design - and revolutionized how both types of products were designed with the introduction of user-centered design.
    Missing Ingredient Is User Experience
    User experience (UX) design is a rapidly growing and integral discipline in the maturing world of Web communications. UX is a broad term, very much in vogue these days, with as many definitions as practitioners. At its core, UX relates to how a person feels about using a product, system or service. It was born in the world of software and industrial design - and revolutionized how both types of products were designed with the introduction of user-centered design.
    Spanish-language Television Upfront And Fall Season Discourse
    According to Nielsen's 2012 National Universe estimates of Hispanic HH's 2+, 53.3% of dwellers are between the ages of 25 and 44, a little more than half the total population. As this new generation of Hispanic Americans emerges, attitudes and behavior, especially with media consumption are changing. In the past, television was consumed by the entire family and in the form of appointment television. Typically, there was one TV in the HH and if "mom" was watching a telenovela, the entire family had to be tuned in. This is not the case today. According to Nielsen, 92% of Hispanic TV …
    The Growing Influence Of The American Latino
    The undeniable and growing influence of Latinos in U.S. media and culture has accelerated the interest of businesses and marketers who are looking to break through to this powerful market segment. The trillion-dollar question, however, is how to engage those Latinos whose demographics are segmented or currently under the radar.
    A Digital Breakdown Of The 2012 Hispanic Fact Pack
    For this post I thought it would be interesting to provide a digital perspective on the recently published Ad Age Hispanic Fact Pack. From a high level, investment in the Hispanic digital medium continues to outpace investment in traditional media; however, compared to the general market, we still have a long way to go.
    Are Hispanics Really More Social in Social Media?
    I'm just as guilty as anyone of blindly restating these supposed truisms about Hispanic digital behavior. The countless reports published over the last few years by highly reputable research firms like BIGInsight, Pew, and Nielsen, provide plenty of data points to support these claims.
    Same But Different
    Translate the English tagline? This question came up recently about what's the right message for a client's Hispanic ads.
    When It Comes To Online Hispanics, The Internet Is Blue
    It is no secret that the Latino vote will have a major impact on the 2012 presidential election. Given this reality, I thought it would be interesting to see how each presidential candidate is addressing Hispanics online. What I found was consistent with Hispanics' preferences for the president of the United States: when comes to choosing the candidates' websites, Hispanics online overwhelmingly prefer BarackObama.com over MittRomney.com.
    The Future Of Non-profits
    Philanthropic organizations, nonprofits and public media -- organizations that depend on charitable giving by corporations, individuals, and other foundations are facing significant challenges. While most people are aware of the short-term struggles facing these organizations as a result of the economic downturn and cuts in government spending, most don't realize they face a bigger, long-term, and structural challenge. This challenge relates to the significant demographic changes taking place in the U.S. -- population changes that threaten to undermine the viability of many of these organizations.
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