I'm pretty sure on the weekend I average more than 58 minutes daily on my smartphone. New data from Experian Marketing Services estimates the average American adult "clocks" nearly an hour each day on his or her device. I spend less time during the week because I'm sitting directly in front of a laptop and a big screen all day long.
As people spend more time on mobile devices, the more data third-party companies and brands will collect.
On average, smartphone owners devote 26% of the time they spend on their phone talking and another 20% texting, according to Experian. I, on the other hand, spend about 40% of my time texting and 10% talking. Social networking use takes 16% of smartphone time, while browsing the mobile Web accounts for 14%. Not for me. If I break down the day by percentages, I spend nearly 0% on social networks and 30% browsing the Web.
Emailing and playing games account for 9% and 8% of daily smartphone time, respectively, while use of the phone’s camera and GPS each take up another 2% of our smartphone day, according to Experian. My email time during the weekend accounts for about 10%.
Average iPhone users, like me, spends an hour and fifteen minutes using their phone per day, about 26 minutes more than the typical Android phone owner. Some 28% of the time that Android users spend using their phones is dedicated to talking, whereas iPhone users spend only 22% of their smartphone time talking on the device.
I realize that Experian's data suggests Android owners devote a greater share of time visiting Web sites on their phone than iPhone owners, but I would have to disagree with that stat, at least for me. On the other hand, iPhone owners spend a disproportionately greater share of smartphone time than an Android owner texting, emailing, using the camera and social networking.
I probably spend about 1% of my time either Sunday or Monday watching videos. Experian data suggests watching video accounts for less than 1% of the typical adult's daily smartphone use.
And while I rarely spend time watching videos, I do spend a whole lot of time streaming music. And I rarely turn it completely off.
Into what audience segment do I fit? Do I make a good retargeting candidate based on the time spend browsing the Web and on publisher sites?
I'm glad to hear you spend a lot of time streaming music. My company rep's and sells media for the Digitally Imported Radio Network (Sky.fm, DI.fm, jazzradio.com & RockRadio.com). I'm also involved in creating and programming music channels for them. Can you send me a link to these stats and information you received? This is good information to pass on to my clients.