Microsoft Promotion Extensions, which launched on Tuesday, allow brands running ads on Microsoft Advertising to highlight a specific deal or special offer in their text ad.
The feature, which is being offered in the United States, also allows brands to tie special deals to a holiday advertisement or for another specific occasion.
Advertisers can customize promotion extensions in Microsoft Advertising by occasion, and have the ability to select a holiday or special occasion to tie into the promotion.
Promotion type and promotion item means that marketers can select the type of offer or discount and clarify the items to include in the promotion. Advertisers can clarify offer requirements -- for example, "on order over $5" or "Code AMB123."
Displayed start and end dates allow advertisers to clarify offer deadlines. Promotions will not deliver after the end date.
Advertisers can choose to run promotion extensions prior to the start date. For example, advertisers can provide customers a promotion code for an upcoming sale.