SMI Data Shows 8 Of Top 12 Ad Categories Declined In February

While overall U.S. ad spending fell 8% in February vs. the same month a year ago, some key categories showed healthy spending gains -- especially consumer packaged goods and pharma, according to an analysis released this week by Standard Media Index.

That's the good news. The bad news is that eight of the 12 key categories analyzed by SMI declined in February.

The other two continuing to expand were restaurants (+4%) and travel (+2%), which coincidentally were two of the hardest-hit during the ad recession sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The biggest decliners in February were tech (-29%), entertainment/media (-25%), wellness (-24%), and financial services (-22%).



1 comment about "SMI Data Shows 8 Of Top 12 Ad Categories Declined In February".
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  1. Curtis Smith from Klick Health, March 28, 2023 at 2:34 p.m.

    A Jan-Feb YTD would probably be a bit more of a helpful view. Not sure a single month over month comparison is all that telling.

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