Financial Publishers, Affiliates See The Economy As Main Challenge

Financial publishers and affiliates are worried about the economy, and consumers apparently are too, judging by the 2024 Financial Industry Affiliate Marketing Report, a study by Fintel Connect.  

In the U.S., 25% of affiliates and publishers see a shift to investment products and 21% for savings, reflecting a growing interest in financial stability and long-term wealth building. In contrast, Canadian consumers are prioritizing credit cards and mortgages, publishers say.  

Overall, 35% see loans as having the greatest potential going forward, and 19% cite payment solutions.  

The study groups publishers and affiliates together. It is not clear whether these publishers are mainstream journalistic organizations or influencers—the study says these respondents partner with financial brands. 



But they face similar challenges as other publishers.

In the U.S., these include: 

  • Economic uncertainty—33% 
  • Search engine algorithm changes—29%
  • Budgets—13%
  • Regulatory changes—12% 
  • Competition—6% 
  • Compliance team pushback—6% 

Of the Tier 1 publishers in the US, 44% will opt for video as a primary tactics for reaching and engaging audiences in 2024. In Canada, 63% are see email as their chief marketing tool.  

The report is based on a survey of 121 publishers and affiliates in North America. 


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