by Sean Hargrave on Jan 30, 11:10 AM
Could a simple "Is This The End?" question be the answer to GDPR woes? Could compliance come through just a simple piece of email hygiene?
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 27, 11:04 AM
The majority of emails are now opened on a mobile device, so why are so many campaigns illegible or hard to interact with -- unless customers can remember their reference off the top of their head?
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 25, 7:54 AM
GDPR is mandatory, but it will force brands to create 'VIP' clubs that serve customers better -- and when in place, will make the UK a springboard for new global partners to market to the EU post-Brexit.
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 23, 12:05 PM
What's the secret of great storytelling? There's a clue, present in the above title, and a bit more below for a happy ending.
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 20, 12:21 PM
The DMA has announced that email is in rude health, and that's certainly true of deliverability -- but swamped inboxes need personalisation to stop five years of decline in click-through rates.
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 18, 9:57 AM
It was a huge day in Europe Tuesday as businesses found that Brexit really does mean Brexit and email marketers learned that explicit consent really does mean consent that is explicit.
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 16, 12:08 PM
Adland is clearly concerned by the direction EU policymakers are taking, but if they look at email marketing, they will see a niche that is way ahead of them in dealing with stronger consumer protection.
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 13, 11:52 AM
As the EU makes clear that it's not happy with emails being scanned, it seems reasonable to ask whether we are about spying -- or empowering customers?
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 11, 10:11 AM
The latest ePrivacy wording is giving b2b email marketers cause to rejoice, the DMA assures. Offer an opt-out and things can carry on as usual.
by Sean Hargrave on Jan 9, 10:55 AM
If 2016 has reaffirmed one thing, it is that email pounds social whenever ROI and sales are examined. Hence, marketers are ditching social "buy" buttons for content-driven email campaigns.