by Sean Hargrave on Jun 29, 10:19 AM
People are nearly ten times as willing to swap an email address for offers as they are their social identity. All they want is a little more control.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 27, 10:53 AM
Three in four consumers think that brands do not treat data properly and aren't put off by adverse publicity. Time to stop the rot and get clear permissioning in place now.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 24, 9:57 AM
Brexit does not affect email marketers' need to be GDPR-compliant within two years, so get those re-permissioning strategies ready.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 22, 10:35 AM
Cleaning lists will improve open and click-through rates, and in two years time, it could save you from a huge EU fine.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 20, 11:16 AM
Email rarely gets any praise, but consider this -- if 37% of mcommerce requires cross-channel tracking, what better way than email?
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 17, 7:17 AM
it also doubled mobile sales and open rates just by segmenting audiences with insights further enriched by in-store e-Receipt data.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 15, 7:00 AM
Browsing behaviour gives a new dimension to customer data, providing brands with new insight on who is ripe to receive a call to action.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 13, 9:48 AM
The simplest advice you will ever hear: If your campaigns are text-heavy and not mobile optimised, they will not work in a mobile-first economy.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 10, 8:13 AM
"Re: Your Dad" is likely to go down as the worst email header in history, as bereaved customers berate Jawbone for the three words that caught their attention for all the wrong reasons.
by Sean Hargrave on Jun 8, 9:10 AM
E-receipts have to be one of the biggest cross-channel quick wins for both brands and the customers they provide better insight into.