by Laurie Sullivan on Nov 29, 9:54 AM
Amazon is looking to fuel its ecommerce business from the brand's website to the Amazon marketplace. For the NFL, machine learning and data analysis have become a game-changer to demonstrate performance.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 22, 9:43 AM
The First Law: An AI developer must not offer tea to a competing AI developer.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 15, 7:17 AM
The generative AI tool is built on Google's large language model, and the initial version is designed to get Mediabrands' 18,000-person workforce familiar and comfortable working with an AI interface.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 14, 8:57 AM
The Omnicom Digital chief and Forrester's principal analyst discuss the rapid infusion of AI, onboarding and the implications for people working in the ad industry and beyond.
by Shawn Riegsecker on Nov 10, 2:20 PM
If the past is prologue, here's how the early advertising tech spade work of versions 1 and 2 set the stage for what may come.
by Joe Mandese on Nov 3, 1:23 PM
In this week's conversation, Shelly Palmer discusses the good, the bad and the ugly developments governing AI. Or is it how AI may be governing us?
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