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2 comments about "Will Political Ad Spend Remain High For Linear TV?".
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Michael Giuseffi from American Media Inc,
May 3, 2022 at 2:26 p.m.
Well with the Supreme Court poised to reverse Roe V Wade in the most sweeping removal of rights in American history I will predict that political ad spending will be unprecedented.
Roy Moskowitz from Reciprocal Results,
May 3, 2022 at 3:05 p.m.
Congressional and down ballot candiates should not run broadcast in DMAs with multiple political districts, such NY. All NY DMA Congressional districts compose three percent or less of the NY Broadcast audience. The utility of spot cable depends on the individual cable system and political district. In a world where political advertisers can target voters individually with online and mobile, including repurposing commercials for digital and social video, why pay for 97 percent waste. I wrote an article for Campaigns and Elections about this and was interviewed by the media outlet as well.
Well with the Supreme Court poised to reverse Roe V Wade in the most sweeping removal of rights in American history I will predict that political ad spending will be unprecedented.
Congressional and down ballot candiates should not run broadcast in DMAs with multiple political districts, such NY. All NY DMA Congressional districts compose three percent or less of the NY Broadcast audience. The utility of spot cable depends on the individual cable system and political district. In a world where political advertisers can target voters individually with online and mobile, including repurposing commercials for digital and social video, why pay for 97 percent waste. I wrote an article for Campaigns and Elections about this and was interviewed by the media outlet as well.
The Emarketing Association also interviewed me for their podcast concerning this and other subjects.