H-E-B Beats Amazon In Online Grocery Sales

As consumers galloped into the $100 billion online grocery shopping market, a new ranking from Dunnhumby underscores just how strong regional grocers have become. The Texas-based H.E.B. edges out both Amazon and Amazon Fresh, powered by the intense emotional connections it builds with its loyal customers. 

“H-E-B’s impressive performance …

2 comments about "H-E-B Beats Amazon In Online Grocery Sales".
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  1. T Bo from Wordpress, July 1, 2022 at 6:13 p.m.

    Fresh Direct in the NYC metro, presumably.

  2. Sindou KONE from Travailleur indépendant, July 2, 2022 at 8:24 a.m.

    Thanks for being kind to me travailleur indpendant.

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