At a time when the ad industry is preparing to grapple with an explosion of multiple new panel and/or Big Data-sourced audience-measurement services, Samsung this morning unveiled the rollout of a new 5,000 household opt-in panel of Samsung device owners, but says the research is not intended to be used …
Hmmm .. opt-in. The results produced will represent a sub-set of the market, so I'd be wary to extrapolate findings to the viewing universe.
The Samsung TV streaming apps are buggy, so we use a Roku to stream on our Samsung TV.
John: You are surely too kind? A sub-set, of a sub-set, of a sub set that will provide little relevance or more importantly data validity to optimizing any major campaign?
As you know too well, there are too many potential holes and limitations in this kind of TV screen based data - presumably ACR based (so only content-rendered-counts on a screen - and NOT persons "watching" or "viewing") and probably without clear and explicite permission to collect the ACR information from the purchaser. The latter would be a serious consumer issue and if that is the case, Media Post or perhaps the NY Times should investigate? How is the panel being compensated and does it albeit inadvertantly produce biases? Perhaps hefty rebate on the $5,000+ 4K 85" TV???? etc. etc. Doubtful?
I believe this move and others like it, focussed on a singular screen occurance or a singular media vehicle/distibutor, represent a "Back to the Future" in media measurement!
You remember the "good old days" when all we had were circulation or set counts media vehicle by media vehicle many of which were not even audited. And when we had no extensive syndicated, total population reperesentative, person-based audience data including either reading/viewing/hearing measures across ALL the titles/vehicles/stations in the specific medium for meaningful cross comparsions and planning for that medium.
So does this kind of announcement reflect "Who are we kidding?"