Where Has Serious Journalism Gone? Sucked Into The Vortex Of Tinder, TMZ And Fox News
    Tinder is pissed. The company has taken umbrage at a piece in Vanity Fair. And to be fair, author Nancy Jo Sales doesn't make the app, or the culture in which it resides, sound particularly appealing. It's all quick hookups and volumetric sex, the pleasure of gorging yourself, and the realization of the fleeting nature of such superficial satiation.
    This Is NOT A Touchscreen: Business In The Age Of Tech Disappointment
    Technology is unleashing itself on every aspect of our lives, progressing relentlessly to bring about more profound changes, more quickly than ever before. Ironically, as is does so, the only thing developing faster than technology is our expectations of it.
    Amazon, Walmart, And Wingtip: Size (And Loyalty) Does Matter
    A few weeks back, Amazon announced earnings, and quietly surpassed Walmart in market valuation. How was this not bigger news? When I wrote this article, Amazon's market value was estimated at about $244 billion, while Walmart's estimate was around $229 billion - which means a virtual store is worth more than the world's largest physical store.
    Why Disruptive Change Is Disruptive
    There were many responses to my last column looking at why agencies and clients have hit the point of irreconcilable differences. Many of those responses were in agreement with me. In fact, none were in outright disagreement. This surprised me. A lot of Online Spin readers are people who work for very big agencies. I can only conclude that you elected to show your dissent through your silence.
    The Wolf Of Madison Ave.
    Last week I talked about how agencies perhaps need to radically reinvent themselves. I made that recommendation on the basis of studies from both the U.S. and the U.K. by the ANA and the IPA respectively, which showed that the marketer-agency relationship is so broken, it may be time to call it quits on the current model. And now we throw more oil on the flames, thanks to an insightful report from U.K.-based independent accountant Kingston Smith W1 analyzing the financial performance of Top 50 agencies across a number of different agency categories.
    Shades Of Grey In Platforms' Content Accountability
    Here's a quick thought experiment: if you are driving a car with four underage drinkers in it, are you responsible for them breaking the law? What if one of the people in the car was selling liquor to the others? What if it was a ride-share system, like a shuttle, where one of your customers regularly sold alcohol to other passengers, serving as a de facto liquor store? At what point do you become responsible for what happens on your platform? The above may sound like a ridiculous scenario, but it's not all that far off from some of the …
    Will Stock-Diving Fears Finally Drive TV Companies To Make Decisions They've Avoided?
    It's been a tough 24 hours for TV companies in the U.S. Ever since Disney's earnings call Wednesday that warned about network affiliate fees going forward, the stock market has been brutal on all TV companies, even those that surprised with better earnings that investors expected. At one point today, the major TV companies in the U.S., from Disney to Time Warner to Discovery to Viacom were down 10%-28% from the day before.
    The Impending Move To Cord-Cutting Signals Massive Revenue Shift For TV
    In the next 12 months, the concept of cord-cutting is going to really take hold - a huge opportunity for television companies, as they continue the shift to become digital-first and look to replace revenues lost from the traditional cable consumer.
    Why Agencies And Clients Are Calling It Quits
    In yesterday's Online Spin, Maarten Albarda signaled the imminent break-up of agencies and clients. Communication is close to zero. Fingers are being pointed. The whisper campaign has turned into outright hostility.
    The Break-up: Clients And Agencies Have Fallen Out Of Love
    I am very sad, as it looks like I will soon be like the child of divorced parents. In my past life, I have been an agency man for almost as many years as I have been a marketer. I worked for three venerable agency brands: JWT, Leo Burnett and McCann-Erickson. Then I worked for two equally venerable marketers: The Coca-Cola Company and Anheuser Busch-InBev.
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