Reality Project is launching its 3rd annual global broadcast on Tuesday, called "24 Hours of Reality: The Cost of Carbon." The event will stream from Los Angeles for 24 hours, detailing the price
people are paying around the world for carbon pollution and why world leaders need to take a stand and make changes. Supporting the event is a website, "
Cost of Carbon," that takes user-generated data and calculates an individual’s daily cost of carbon depending on where they live. People can connect to the site through Facebook, Google+, or
enter their information in manually. For example, a woman living in Ontario is at isk for droughts, hurricanes, floods or wildfires. These events can cause heat-related illnesses, loss of wildlife,
property damage, water scarcity, higher insurance premiums and Lyme disease, among other issues. Users who choose to add their "cost of carbon" to the website will have their results live-streamed
into the 24Hours of Reality broadcast and will be encouraged to send their Cost of Carbon assessment to world leaders of 20 of the most carbon-polluting countries via social media.
See a video about the site here.Modern Assembly created the campaign