Amazon Gives Brands Access To Years Of Shopping Data

Amazon Ads will give brands access to the past five years of their customer shopping data signals within the Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), up from 13 months until today, extending measurement capabilities.

AMC already supports a privacy-safe, cloud-based cleanroom solution that provides a suite of sophisticated planning and measurement capabilities for Amazon advertisers, but the expanded purchase signal history increases the ability to access key advertising metrics such as customer lifetime value and options that are new for brands, especially for brands that sell longer lifecycle and seasonal products.

As early beta tester, Omnicom Media Group and Flywheel, were given access to the data signals to see how consumers’ purchase habits and conversions have evolved or changed in that time.

Advertisers can upload first-party data to the cleanroom in the Amazon Marketing Cloud and connect their data with Amazon’s to better understand measurement and build audiences based on campaign goals.



The five-year history gives advertisers insight into the customer segment that viewed the ad and went to the company’s product page or purchased a product during the past five years. The new data also will show the number of people in their customer file or lookalike audience they could potentially reach.

For example, a large electronics manufacturer prepares to launch a new laptop. To create a customer audience, they may want to see the type of consumers who have gone to their product page or website and considered or purchased the product based on an Amazon Ads campaign.

It will show the audience in detail -- for example, the segment of those who most considered the advertiser’s product after seeing a streaming TV ad, a display ad, and then went to its product page, but did not purchase the item.

Amazon executives believe this type of process produces much better results than a third-party cookie because the consumer is known to have an interest in the product.

The five-year retail lookback, as Amazon calls it, is available in a limited beta, as part of the Flexible Shopping Insights feature in AMC.

Several customers already use the capability.

2 comments about "Amazon Gives Brands Access To Years Of Shopping Data".
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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, January 8, 2025 at 6:18 p.m.

    Phew Laurie.

    I sure hope that Amazon still has the information of the bunion I had on my right foot five years ago just before COVID struck!   What a relief!

  2. Laurie Sullivan from lauriesullivan, January 8, 2025 at 6:48 p.m.

    John, you are too funny. Thank you for reading my articles.  

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