Alexis DeVilling
Member since April 2015- Account Supervisor CTP
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- Twitter: @AlexisDeVilling
- Boston Massachusetts
- 02114 USA
Articles by Alexis All articles by Alexis
- Millennials Set The Stage For Evolving Corporate Culture in
Engage:Millennials on
The days of suits, ties, and nine-to-fives are long gone. Millennials officially hold the majority share of the American workforce. According to a 2015 Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, Millennials account for 53.3 million active workers. It's no wonder HR managers are scrambling to identify how their companies should evolve to accommodate this unique generation. To hire (and more importantly retain) millennial employees, companies need to pay attention to the following.
- A Golden Year For Super Bowl 50 And Digital Media in
Engage:Millennials on
If you're one of the 114 million people who watched Super Bowl XLIX on TV last year, you'll likely be doing the same for Super Bowl 50. But this year, a new sheriff is in town: The cord-cutter, aka the person who refuses to pay $150 a month for cable TV. CBS clearly recognized this trend a few years back when it began streaming the event live online.
- There's More To Snapchat Than Disappearing Pictures in
Engage:Teens on
At this point, almost everyone has heard of Snapchat. Pop culture is crawling all over it. It's in the news. Your kids use it. Maybe even you use it (but probably not). Everyone (particularly parents and marketers, but for very different reasons) wants to know: Why is Snapchat making waves, especially amongst the teen community?
- Teen Marketing: Blink And They're Gone in
Engage:Teens on
Generation Z will forever be known as the first true digital natives. They will never know a non-digital world, and thrive in the always-on environment of digital communications. Known for their plugged-in nature, teens seem to be natural born multitaskers with the ability to text, talk, work, and walk simultaneously without crashing head first into a street pole.
- How To Win The Respect Of Affluent Millennials in
Engage:Affluent on
Move over, Boomers. You may have more money (for now), but Millennials have more people. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Millennials now represent more than one-quarter of the nation's population with 83.1 million people, compared to 75.4 million Boomers. And in a short time, Millennials will be the generation with the most financial pull.
- Creating A Luxurious Social Media Experience in
Marketing: Automotive on
According to a 2014 survey, 70% of people who come from affluent households (total annual income >$200,000) own a smartphone. ExactTarget research indicates that 75% of smartphone users engage with social media on a daily basis.
- Creating A Luxurious Social Media Experience in
Engage:Affluent on
According to a 2014 survey, 70% of people who come from affluent households (total annual income >$200,000) own a smartphone. ExactTarget research indicates that 75% of smartphone users engage with social media on a daily basis.
- Unplugged in
Engage:Teens on
Generation Z, those born in and after 1995, will never know a life without computers, tablets, nor cellphones. They're 23 million and growing strong. Pew Research Center surveyed teens ages 13 to 17 and found the following.
- The Emergence Of The Affluent Millennial in
Engage:Affluent on
In a nutshell: Affluent Millennials are going to be spending a lot of money in the coming years.
Comments by Alexis All comments by Alexis
- How To Win The Respect Of Affluent Millennials
Alexis DeVilling
(Engage:Affluent on
Thanks for the feedback! The article was written more for brands that are hoping to appeal to the affluent millennial audience. Could be any brand, but not necessarily luxury brands. Affluence is considered having a HHI of $150k+ I believe, so they really can't afford much luxury at that amount. Also, it's an opinionated article since I fall within this category. It's a large age range in this generation, and the market is up. In 10-15 years I'll be in a prime spot to spend money, so why not build brand affinity now?
- The Emergence Of The Affluent Millennial
Alexis DeVilling
(Engage:Affluent on
The purpose of the article was to raise awareness that Millennials are stepping up as the next wave of big-spenders (and likely taking care of their Boomer parents in the future). Key is for brands to have a target market plan in place to reach your ideal audience, no matter what generation they fall under. P.S. I wont take it personally that you feel Millennials are narcissistic brats :)
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