- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2012
- Baidu Seen Integrating Social Signals
- Facebook Flirts With IPO
- Social Nets Spring Eternal, Spring Creek Profiles 20 With 'Momentum'
- Are Blogs Dying Out?
- Definition 6 Makes Facebook Users The Stars Of Their Own Movies, Turns Timeline Into Screenplays
- Pac-12 Aligns Digital Nets With TV, Aufhauser Named Digital GM
- Social Media Make For Sad Teens
- LexisNexis Helps Law Firms Get Social
- Is Facebook Worth as Much as McDonald's?
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Monday, Jan. 30, 2012
- Are Blogs Dying Out?
- Glee's Lea Michele Stars In Candie's Ads
- John Hancock Continues Boston Marathon Support
- Is Facebook Worth as Much as McDonald's?
- Social Nets Spring Eternal, Spring Creek Profiles 20 With 'Momentum'
- The Evolution Of Impact: Expanding Social Commitment To Drive Brand Advantage
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Friday, Jan. 27, 2012
- Ball Park: Men 'Easier Fed Than Understood'
- Coke Integrates Live-Stream, Social For Bowl
- Apple 4S Campaign Streamed 36M TImes
- Millennials Trust People, Not Brands, When Buying
- AmEx Helps Small Biz Use Social Media
- Facebook Oversharing Clogs The Feed
- The FBI Wants In On Social Media Monitoring
- Apple's iPhone Dominates Social Video Charts for Q4, YouTube & Rick Perry Follow
- Why Bother Analyzing Mobile Social? (Here's 44 Reasons Why)
- Mobile And Social Spending Up 30% In 2011
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012
- Buzz Goes Au Naturel: Nielsen Strips Out Jargon, Adds Hyper-Local Metrics
- The FBI Wants In On Social Media Monitoring
- Facebook Oversharing Clogs The Feed
- Apple's iPhone Dominates Social Video Charts for Q4, YouTube & Rick Perry Follow
- Why Bother Analyzing Mobile Social? (Here's 44 Reasons Why)
- Mobile And Social Spending Up 30% In 2011
- Super Bowl Gets Social Media Command Center
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012
- Brand Graph Meets Interest Graph: 33Across Acquires Tynt, Becomes 'Bigger' Than Facebook
- Papa John's Bets On Super Bowl Coin-toss Promo
- Search Engine Query Results That Serve Up Direct Links To Social Display Ads
- Beyond The Ordinary (A.K.A. Facebook And Twitter)
- 'Idol' Reigns In TV, Social Media Ratings
- Millennials Remain Difficult To Reach
- Super Bowl Gets Social Media Command Center
- What's The Opposite Of Social Shopping? (Hint: It Could Shift Control Of The Means Of Production)
- An Unsung Social App: Shopping
- Who's Talking To Your Clients?
- Brand Graph Meet Interest Graph: 33Across Acquires Tynt
- Answering The Social Media Call For Customer Service
- YouTubers Watch 4 Billion Videos per Day
- Maybe Even Longer
- BzzAgent's Boast: Social Marketing's ROI is $1.50
- Instant RFP In Jeopardy
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012
- Search Engine Query Results That Serve Up Direct Links To Social Display Ads
- Beyond The Ordinary (a.k.a. Facebook and Twitter)
- Why Social Audience Measurement Hasn't Yet Delivered
- Can Strongarm Beat Facebook?
- Beyond The Ordinary (A.K.A. Facebook And Twitter)
- Study: Consumers View Social Marketing As Invasive
- Search Strategies Marketers Should Know
- Anthem Blue Cross Uses Consumers In Live Streaming Video Ads
- Agency Execs Launch Social TV Platform, Say 'TV Dinner' Will Give Some Byte To Viewing
- CMOs Sweating Their Tech Savvy
- Chevy Super Bowl: Social And Global
- Wanamaker+: I Know That Two-Thirds Of My WOM Isn't Working...
- YouTubers Watch 4 Billion Videos per Day
- Well, We Are In Florida, After All
- Facebook Correlated with Low Self Esteem
- In The Middle Of A Macro Shift
- Quick: How Many People Are Talking About Mac & Cheese Right Now?
- 'The Natural Amplification Platform' (Not The Movie)
- Buying Via Facebook: Blowing Minds (And Maybe Some Sales)
- Instant RFP In Jeopardy
- BzzAgent's Boast: Social Marketing's ROI is $1.50
- Maybe Even Longer
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Monday, Jan. 23, 2012
- Cisco Links In, Take TV Campaign To Social Business Platform
- Study: Consumers View Social Marketing As Invasive
- Anthem Blue Cross Uses Consumers In Live Streaming Video Ads
- Search Strategies Marketers Should Know
- Facebook Correlated with Low Self Esteem
- The Third Screen: Now Share This
- Well, We Are In Florida, After All
- Wanamaker+: I Know That Two-Thirds Of My WOM Isn't Working...
- Google+ Hangouts Give New Meaning To The Term 'Flash' Media
- Google+ And Social Branding Best Practices, Plus
- Prediction: Google+ Will Beget Facebook Plus Search
- Forget About Likes, Tweets, Or Even Tweet-Ups, The Critical Social App Is Hanging Out
- The Biggest Misconception About Social Media Branding
- The Biggest Laugh Yet At MediaPost's Social Summit (And It's only 9:30)
- Zen Branding And The Art Of, Well, Doing Nothing
- Money Can't Buy You Love, But It Can Buy You A Great Keynote Line
- McDonald's Twitter Campaign Gets Burned
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Friday, Jan. 20, 2012
- Cheerios, Fitness Mag Team On Weight-Loss Program
- Rimm-Kaufman Group Releases Q4 2011 Digital Marketing Report
- Chillax: Aura Cacia Calls For National Day
- Does Google Fancy Pinterest?
- Ad Industry Rails Against Costly SOPA/PIPA Compliance
- Google+ Has Over 90 Million Users
- Bravo's 'Watch What Happens: Live' Brings Social Media To Late-Night TV
- Long Island Boy Gets The Camaro
- I'm With Stupid: Social Media Boasts Lead to Gang Bust
- Pre-Roll Video Advertising Can Learn From Social Media Marketing
- The Day The Internet Struck Back
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012
- Cheerios, Fitness Mag Team On Weight-Loss Program
- Rimm-Kaufman Group Releases Q4 2011 Digital Marketing Report
- Ask.com Joins Google In SOPA Protest; Who's Next?
- 6 Steps To Growing A Social Media Audience By 4,488%
- Break Accelerates Social, Boosts CPVs With Pass-Along Content
- Ad Industry Rails Against Costly SOPA/PIPA Compliance
- I'm With Stupid: Social Media Boasts Lead to Gang Bust
- Pre-Roll Video Advertising Can Learn From Social Media Marketing
- The Day The Internet Struck Back
- Social Networks Can Still Rise (and Fall)
- Social Media & Marketing Daily - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012
- Data Reveals Social Graph Impacting Brand 'Lift,' As Well As Direct Response
- Ask.com Joins Google In SOPA Protest; Who's Next?
- Social Advertising's Identity Crisis
- 6 Steps To Growing A Social Media Audience By 4,488%
- Social Gifter Wrapp Gets $5M, Hoffman On Board
- Social Media ROI Metrics Still Chaotic
- Social Wrapp Proves Entrepreneur's Gold Ticket Into U.S., VC Funding
- Situation Interactive: Uses Social Media To Promote Broadway
- Markets Turn To Social Media To Gauge Event Buzz
- Social Networks Can Still Rise (and Fall)
- Your Facebook Feed May be Full of Video From Politicians. You've Been Warned.
- Moms Prefer Social Login
- How Social Could Transform Retail
- Workplace Social Media Use Increased Threefold in 2011
- The Chosen Media