
Online Video Ads Drive TV Tune-In

An online video campaign for a television show can drive tune-in to the show itself, especially when the ads are personalized with local information for broadcast stations.

In fact, a well-executed tune-in video ad campaign can yield about a 20% lift in viewer intent to watch a show, said Mixpo, an online video ad technology provider, which studied the effect of Web video ads on tune-in for TV shows in a white paper.

Mixpo found that online video viewers spent 25% more time with tune-in video ads than non tune-in ads. The messaging can be even more effective when coupled with local station call letters or logos, which can drive engagement rates up to 27% higher and view rates for the tune-in ads up to 30% higher.

Broadcasters surveyed said they’re including online video ads in their promotional mix for several reasons. They can reach multitaskers who are online while watching TV; the ads are interactive and can boost engagement; the creative can be updated in real time; and audiences can be targeted. Plus, 70% of tablet owners and 62% of smart phone owners use those devices while watching TV, according to Nielsen stats cited by Mixpo. That suggests online video tune-in ads can potentially reach viewers at just the right time.

Mixpo also offered tips for broadcasters. “There’s freedom to swap in new creative around the clock to match the flow of program schedule with surgical precision. Produce an on-air spot a couple of hours before the 6 p.m. news. Run it online immediately. When the 6 p.m. news ends, immediately swap in a topical promotion for the 11 p.m. news,” Mixpo said in its report.

1 comment about "Online Video Ads Drive TV Tune-In".
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  1. Walter Sabo from SABO media, December 21, 2011 at 5:05 p.m.

    FOX proved this over 3 years ago using HITVIEWS' video webstars. They promoted LIE TO ME and FRINGE and those were the only two new shows renewed for that season. We are happy to work with other networks to prove it again

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