One of the classic maxims of direct marketing was that new movers are the best prospects for almost anything. They’re moving — they need things.
It’s still true, judging by The 2022 Perspective on Mover Marketing, a study from V12, a Porch company, conducted by Ascend2.
Over half of all brands with a mover marketing program give it a ranking of eight or greater out of 10 for impact. Moreover, 57% rate their program as very successful in meeting their goals (or best in class). Another 39% are moderately good at it, and only 4% unsuccessful.
In addition, 41% of firms doing mover marketing saw their customer acquisition increase significantly, versus only 8% of non-users. Another 54% of the users experienced a moderate increase, compared to 65% of non-users.
Here's the opportunity: Only 45% of B2C brands with customer retention and acquisition programs in place have mover marketing strategies.
What’s the potential payoff? Users see the greatest impact in these areas:
And, 33% of the best-in-class users devote over 20% of their marketing budgets to target movers, compared to 10% of the rest. Only 7% budget more than 50%, and 41% are in the 6-10% range.
Of the companies polled, 28% have a measurable mover strategy in place, and 26% are rolling one out. Another 18% have plans to implement a program in the next 12 months.
Of the non-users, 7% target new mover audiences in other programs and 20% have no plans to start.
Email and direct mail are tied for first place in terms of new mover marketing tactics:
Of course, as with any activity, challenges come with trying to conduct a mover marketing campaign:
The types of data being used have not changed much from the old days:
New mover marketers are prevalent in these sectors: automotive (25%), personal services (33%), hospitality & travel (27%), professional services (30%), retail (27%), technology (41%), utilities & telecom (!3%) and financial services & insurance (21%).
In general, brands are utilizing these tactics as part of their customer acquisition and retention programs:
What’s next? Brands plan to focus on these tasks in the year ahead:
Ascend2 surveyed 253 marketing professionals working for enterprise organizations in the B2C channel in February 2022.