Care to lie out on the beaches of Mount Rushmore? Or maybe take a stroll through the exotic jungles of Paris? With its provocative Global Warming Ready campaign, Italian clothing company Diesel delivers a warped vision of inappropriately paired countries and climates — and, of course, the chic and worry-free models who inhabit them. Mixed messages abound on, where consumers can watch a global-warming documentary that unexpectedly concludes with the message, “Hold on! Global warming cannot stop our lives,” and is followed by a slideshow of euphoric party-goers enjoying the newly created locales. Other features include a Top 10 list of things “Diesel people” can do to feel better about the crisis — ranging from having energetic sex to stay warm (thus reducing heating bills) to unplugging their electric guitars and insulating their home with recycled denim — as well as links to, where visitors are encouraged to purchase the DVD of An Inconvenient Truth.