Have a Singular Voice Across All Channels
    Brands we know and love have a voice and a way of engaging with consumers naturally across media. For less consumer-facing brands, the language may not be utilized as frequently or as publicly -- leading to a less defined voice. Despite this, industry marketers are increasingly telling B2B brand stories with a human touch.
    Updating CRM For The Digital Age
    Digital is fragmenting not only the types of channels and content available - such as YouTube videos, Twitter's 140-character tweets and Snapchat's vanishing stories - but also to whom and how quickly we can communicate, and with what degree of relevance. Brand messages and how they are delivered must evolve if we have any chance at getting our customers' distributed share of attention.
    Bridging The Mobile Gap
    Mobile sites are rarely optimized for the tasks that shoppers want to do on mobile devices. Many are still built for browsing.
    Data Or Creative: The Chicken Or The Egg Dilemma
    Tension in the data/creative relationship is probably all too familiar for many of you. The creative team bristles at a brief comprised of specs for a media plan that leaves them little room for innovation. At the same time, media planners want to be involved with the creative as soon as possible, so that the campaign's idea might spark new or unique directions for specific media components.
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