• The Last Word (NOT)
    Are visual communication forms like video' graphics and multimedia supplanting text-based media? Let us spell it out for you: N-o-w-a-y!
  • Not Fade Away
    One of the strange conventions of science fiction film and television shows has been the idea that in the future, we will all dress alike. From "Twilight Zone" reruns to movies like The Matrix, Aeon Flux, and I, Robot, citizens of the distant future seem, for no obvious reason, to have given up the idea of dressing themselves as individuals.
  • Publishing's E-Future
    Print media is facing well-known challenges, but from a strictly technological perspective, the industry is on the cusp of a promising new age.
  • At the End of the Paper Trail
    Print is doomed. You've heard this before but probably have a hard time believing it. After all, your local newsstand is crammed with all sorts of newspapers, magazines, newsletters and free copies of The Onion, while Barnes & Noble has mountains of new titles and attracts legions of highly caffeinated book buyers.
  • Fast Forward: Type Casting
    The fact that you are reading this proves the theme of this month's issue of Media magazine: Text-based content is still relevant to savvy media consumers. And it's relevant to them regardless of the media content platform they may be consuming it on.
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