by John Capone on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
The generation of talent coming to the workforce today faces more than the counter-culture tumult of the '60s, more than the acid-flashback hangover of the '70s, more than the heady and chemical-powered conspicuous consumption caravan of the '80s, and more than the ennui of the '90s.
by John Capone on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
We weren't quite prepared for someone like David Skokna, the founder and creative chief at Huge, who is not a professional editor, but took the assignment as seriously, and in the process, challenged the in-house MEDIA team on ideas, executions, and well, our own editorial judgment.
by David Skokna on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
If you haven't changed every aspect of how you work by now, I'm sorry, but you're fucked. Because they're here. Already. They're defining how we shop, what we eat, how we communicate, and for me, how we design customer experiences.
by Frank Beacham on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
A new generation of hybrid still-video cameras will soon bring amazing, low-cost image-making tools to the masses on a level undreamed of even a decade ago. Before the revolution is finished, still photography and full-motion video will merge, creating a new category of imaging for the multimedia age.
by Frank Beacham on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
Aiding the professional video educational effort is Dirck Halstead, a photojournalist who covered the White House for 29 years for Time magazine and whose photographs have appeared on 47 Time covers.
by Frank Beacham on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
Television is survived by VOD, streaming video and video-sharing services.
by Aaron Shapiro on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
Superconsumers will have hit their prime by 2020; indeed, they'll control the bulk of purchasing power in this country. What kind of world will they live in?
by Steve Smith on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
After two years of double-digit ad page declines and flat (at best) CAGRs as far into the future as the spreadsheet can see, the magazine industry could use a savior right about now. And that precisely is how some in the industry treated Steve Jobs' gift from Mount Cupertino -- a new tablet format that sold over 3 million units in the spring alone.
by Ariston Anderson on Sep 7, 10:53 AM
At their most simple, the photographs from JeongMee Yoon's series "The Pink & Blue Project" portray children as residents of two distinct environments: Girls live in pink rooms; boys live in blue rooms. But both genders exhibit an increasingly prevalent commonality among today's youth: the sheer amount of things they own.
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