• Clickbait And Collateral: A Potential Solution
    Marketers love a fresh start. The first few weeks of a new year has always been our collective season of optimism – a time for trends, resolutions, and declarations of reinvention. Yet this year feels different. Beneath the often glossy predictions and carefully curated “what’s next” articles, there’s an unsettling truth: 2024 wasn’t just a difficult year. It exposed fault lines that run deeper than we’ve cared to admit. It’s not that we’ve lost control entirely. It’s that we’ve quietly, perhaps even willingly, handed it over – to platforms, algorithms, and the comforting illusion of …
  • A Sell-Side Solution For Reach & Frequency Across CTV, Linear And Digital
    Innovid says the product - in a partnership with Roku - will help drive incremental reach, reduce waste, and improve campaign performance.
  • The Past, Present And Not-Too-Distant Future Of Standards: A Conversation With George Ivie
    As he celebrates his 25th anniversary as the longest-running head of the Media Rating Council, Ivie reflects on the past quarter century and what is ahead for new standards and accreditations.
  • Most-Read PBIs: Wieser, Seiler, AI, Alt Currencies And Next Generations
    Brian Wieser's contribution about new media-planning paradigms in a CIMM-commissioned report was the most-read "Planning & Buying Insider" column of 2024, a year that was also dominated by discussions of AI, alternative currencies and new generational cohorts.
  • Clickbait And Collateral, Media Is Borrowing Against Its Future
    Bill Bernbach famously said, “It may well be that creativity is the last unfair advantage we’re legally allowed to take over our competitors.” He was right, of course, but Bernbach might have been surprised to see how quickly creativity gave way to something else entirely. Today, the advertising industry – long celebrated for its capacity to enchant, surprise, and persuade – finds itself locked in a numbers game. And it’s a game it's at risk of losing. In a previous column, I explored how advertising has swung between its poles of “dust” and “magic” – from functional …
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