by J. Max Robins on Oct 28, 2:13 PM
The last time Ricky Gervais hosted the Golden Globes, back in 2012, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association promised "never again." After three years of cutting quips from the saucy and seemingly sauced Gervais, the HFPA went a tad kinder and gentler, enlisting the services of Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. Apparently, it's time for a return to old form - and understandably so. Gervais' leave-no-sacred-cow-unbutchered approach to the Globes is why he'll be back as the show's MC Jan. 10 on NBC.
by J. Max Robins on Oct 21, 12:16 PM
The choice of "Saturday Night Live" to have Donald Trump host on Nov. 7 was as inevitable as the righteous voices protesting his appearance. How could it be otherwise? The surreal White House race has so far played into "SNL's" sweet spot. With Jon Stewart bailing out of "The Daily Show," is "SNL" in the political season catbird seat? "You betcha!" is how Tina Fey as Sarah Palin would answer.
by J. Max Robins on Oct 14, 3:57 PM
Las Vegas seemed perfectly apropos as the the site of last night's Democratic presidential debate. The pre-event crawl on talked about the network airing the first prime-time square-off between the contenders - Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, James Webb and Lincoln Chafee - as if they were prepping for some Ultimate Fighting Championship in the "Octagon" cage.
by J. Max Robins on Oct 7, 12:27 PM
Have we finally arrived at the death of the fall TV season? It's genuinely hard to remember if there's ever been a worse lineup - a lackluster roster of rookie shows. Nothing is truly resonating with ratings or buzz.
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