by J. Max Robins on Jan 27, 2:33 PM
I'm not sure how this crazy primary season has been for the nation, but it's been a marketing boon for news networks. Specifically, it has allowed them to burnish their brands and suddenly declare - a la Mike Bloomberg - that they are in the TV Everywhere business.
by J. Max Robins on Jan 20, 3:40 PM
One of the great benefits of the TV Everywhere universe is that the medium is in a creative renaissance, startling in its quality and diversity. Just as HBO, Showtime, FX and AMC pushed broadcast channels to up their collective creative game, players from Netflix to Amazon to YouTube have raised the bar ever higher, leaving no doubt that video has replaced film as the place where quality storytelling shines brightest. So I couldn't help but think that the robust, diverse TV Everywhere ecosystem was a factor in all the uproar over the two-year black actor shutout in the top Academy …
by J. Max Robins on Jan 13, 3:24 PM
If there was any doubt that Barack Obama is the first TV Everywhere president, his valedictorian State of the Union address laid that idea to rest. From promoting the speech with language more akin to a big-event TV premiere everywhere from Facebook to Snapchat to CNN, to streaming the speech for the first time via Amazon Prime, this was POTUS at his multiplatform best.
by J. Max Robins on Jan 6, 2:23 PM
Nine years ago, while walking the floor of the gigantic Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, I was immediately struck by how many TV network programming types were trolling for the latest and greatest technological wizardry. Here we were, all living Marshall McCluhan's promise that "the medium is the message." Back in 2007 whether it was the just-released Apple TV, the latest iteration of HDTV or the increasingly ubiquitous DVR, new technologies held the promise of an incredible unleashing of myriad new creative avenues. This year, as friends report in from CES 2016, there's an inevitable, and enviable, amount of …
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