Google will combine its expertise in software with Intel's hardware knowledge in hopes of convincing more enterprise companies to adopt cloud computing.
The announcement initially came Thursday in a Twitter tweet from Google Cloud. "We're partnering with @intel to help enterprise customers accelerate their migration to an open & secure cloud," Google Cloud wrote.
The two companies have worked closely for years on datacenter processor technology. Now the collaboration expands into cloud services to help enterprise customers move from a legacy infrastructure to an open, secure and future-proof cloud.
Cloud services in 2017 will become the support system -- the backbone -- for everything from advertising to services that companies will deliver on top of the Internet, known as the Internet of things. They will support artificial intelligence, which will search the Web for those who use the Internet rather than having users search the Web manually.
The Google and Intel alliance will focus on technology integration and artificial intelligence as well as educating the industry about how the cloud works. The two will "explore technology solutions for our enterprise customers in the areas of Kubernetes, machine learning, IoT and security, combining Google Cloud software capabilities with Intel’s advanced hardware," Nan Boden, head of global technology partners at Google, wrote in a blog post.
The work Google and Intel do in Kubernetes is expected to help "improve workload capabilities, including virtual network performance and prioritization of shared resources," Boden wrote.
This means advertisers will hopefully gain a system that runs clean, quick, and efficiently.
"Code optimizations are already well underway with planned community reviews in the next six months," Raejeanne Skillern, VP of data center group and GM of cloud services at Intel, wrote in a blog post.