Basis Technologies, which supports cloud-based workflow automation, on Wednesday will announce the addition of its cookieless data offerings through a partnership with location-based data partners from Peer39, an independent data company. The idea is to help marketers “break the addition of user IDs.”
“We’re seeing a lot of people throw things at the wall, and many of them won’t work,” says Ian Trider, vice president of RTB platform operations, Basis Technologies. “There’s a mad scramble to do something.”
The idea to explore non-identify ways to achieve campaign targeting led Basis to expand its partnership with Peer39.
This partnership focuses on Basis’ DSP integration with Peer39. The combination of Peer39’s location and time data are used to target ads to a specific audience.
“If people think these various identity solutions will save them, I believe they are mistaken," Trider says. “There are a very few identity solutions that have a chance to make it, for a list of reasons. Even the ones that have a chance, the scale of coverage will not be what it is today with cookie IDs.”
The expanded partnership with Peer39 and capability through Basis connects marketers to locations with a high concentration of people who fit in various customer segments.
Advertisers can then use these insights to reach those customers across digital channels. It also allows Basis’ programmatic advertising customers to use audience solutions from Experian, Goldfish Ads, and other providers.
“We ran tests using this approach before Peer39 had this capability and found it worked,” he said, so when the company developed the process, it was a natural fit.
One interesting thing about time-based targeting, he said, is that it can pinpoint an area — for example, a given area in midtown Manhattan — for the part of the day people might be in the city for work and at night when they may be there for entertainment, especially in the Theater District. The diversity and source of the data is surprising, including targeting for weather.
Several early adopters include Brink Communications, a regional independent agency, Riverside Partners, a regional independent agency; and Knox Marketing, an agency.