Persado Debuts Generative AI For Online Carts

Persado has launched a generative AI tool that it says can deliver personalized words and phrases for online shoppers. 

The new tool, Dynamic Motivation, combines a brand’s anonymized first-party web-session data with Persado’s enterprise-marketing language and automated decisioning to dynamically provide wording in real-time, the company says. 

The goal is to help brands “present the most impactful words and phrases for motivating each individual to engage and convert,” says Assaf Baciuco-founder and COO of Persado. 

Dynamic Motivation for the online cart is now available. Additional functionality, including email and mobile, will be introduced later in the spring .

However, the company claims it can apply Dynamic Motivation across the digital journey -- including landing pages, website banners and buttons, email, and other uses. 

Luxury brand marketer Tapestry Inc. historically had “matter-fact copy asking for delivery address, payment, etc.,” on its checkout page,” says Kathleen Jiang, content optimization program manager, Tapestry, Inc.

Jiang says Tapestry "experimented with Persado to see if speaking to the customer with more emotive and conversational language, like a store associate would use" would be successful, and it was -- resulting in a lift in conversion rates and decrease in cart abandonment and identifying messaging that works well "for the 'Post-Purchase Thank You Page' where shoppers are encouraged to make subsequent purchases.


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