by Amy Corr on Apr 25, 2:57 PM
What do SpongeBob SquarePants and surrealist Salvador Dalí have in common? Aside from the abstract, chances are you've walked all over them, thanks to Stareways, a new ad medium that's being deployed everywhere from retail to art museums. Stareways markets adhesive ads that are placed on flights of stairs at malls, trade shows and conferences, sports venues, subway steps, sidewalks, and airports.
by Amy Corr on Apr 25, 2:56 PM
Part of the new york city subway system took on the look and feel of a different type of urban jungle ? the wild, wild West ? in a promotional campaign for the hbo series "Deadwood."
by Lynn Russo on Apr 25, 2:53 PM
If you are long overdue for a little childish fun and ready to let your hair down, then head to the nearest Reactrix interactive advertising panel and proceed to jump up and down. Or, kick objects inside of it. Or, touch brand logos with your fingers and watch them wiggle, move, or transform into other things. And feel free to yell "woo-hoo!" several times; there are no age restrictions.
by Dacia Ray on Apr 25, 2:52 PM
Standing at just under 5 feet, Stacy Rotner, the seventh contestant to be voted off of nbc's second season of "The Apprentice," comes off as a mousy, petite woman at first glance. But, as those who watched the show may recall, her ideas and opinions clamor to be heard. After her stint on the reality show, Rotner happily returned to her job practicing corporate law in New York, and occasionally gives speeches, some related to women in the workplace. media's Dacia Ray spent a lunch hour with her discussing her life as a media property.
by Joe Mandese on Apr 25, 2:51 PM
Print was the original digital, interactive medium. Think about it. Readers have always controlled their content by turning pages in slow-motion, fast-forward, or even replay modes, zapping ads at their own discretion. And they did it digitally, using their digits ? usually a thumb and forefinger ? to flip the pages.
by on Apr 25, 2:48 PM
I can't be the only one. Please, someone out there reassure me that I'm not the only media professional who, at least occasionally, finds herself pining to work in the Larry Tate era instead of in today's on-demand-branded-content-product-placement-guerrilla-broadband-dot-com craziness. Most of the time, I agree that this is a brilliant time to be in media, but it's also hard, thanks to burgeoning consumer control.
by on Apr 25, 2:47 PM
Some marketers have a unique personality ? a blend of verve and vision. They become known for their iconoclastic brand statements and are consistent over time in creating great advertising that expresses their essence. Such marketers have a confident understanding of their brand and personality, and have given incredible latitude to the agency partners they've worked with to produce outstanding advertising. Volkswagen, dating back to Bill Bernbach's work in the 1950s, is a great example.
by on Apr 25, 2:45 PM
Sit back and pretend something for me today. Imagine a world where the Internet came first ? with all the interactivity, all the measurability, and all the individuality that goes along with it. tv and print, therefore, were invented after the Internet. Further imagine that you are the head of ad sales for this new medium called television and you give your pitch for it.
by on Apr 25, 2:43 PM
Modeling the return-on-investment of internet marketing doesn't have to be a challenge. After having spent nearly 10 years at Modem Media developing Internet marketing programs for Fortune 500 clients, I'm often approached with questions about marketing mix modeling's ability to measure return-on-marketing investment (romi) for Internet advertising.
by on Apr 25, 2:42 PM
By now, you've heard about Malcolm Gladwell's second book, "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking." Like "The Tipping Point," his earlier book, I found "Blink" mentally stimulating, and have spent the past two months encouraging my colleagues and clients to apply its simplicity to our business. Within a week of reading "Blink," I was quoting two of Gladwell's ideas: (1) "Successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking," and (2) People "gather and consider" way too much information because it makes them feel more confident.