• Column: The Consumer - The Power of Love Letters
    There's an interesting paradox in our business: brand-builders and advertising types tend to be passionate people. Passionate people get excited by new ideas. Unfortunately though, the person whose interest we're trying to capture with our new ideas ? that stressed out, time-starved, non-technical consumer ? is, more often than not, less excited than we are about ads, delivery systems, and new technologies.
  • Column: Aperture - Outdoor Connections
    Back when we were "oh so much younger than today," we experienced the first in a life-long series of aperture moments. Driving from New York to Florida (insert your experience here), alternating between sleeping and counting the cows along the side of the highway, there it was. On the side of the road a larger than life billboard read, "If you lived here, you'd be home by now." What a clear and simple point. How we wished we lived there! In today's media world we often trip over ourselves talking about high-speed Internet, custom-produced programming, product placement opportunities, and "cutting …
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