by Charlene Weisler on Jan 11, 1:27 PM
Harvey Kent, Chief Media Strategist for Donovan Systems, was one of the early pioneers in standardizing media pre-buying and Buy / Sell IT systems. And he has helped the industry adapt to the changing landscape in processing media data from its many sources to its many users. In this interview, Harvey talks about Donovan and MediaOcean, the introduction of Set Top Box Data into Donovan, media measurement and upcoming trends in the media landscape.
by Mark Lieberman on Jan 9, 1:17 PM
After last week's Iowa caucuses, some television commentators were surprisingly caught off-guard by Mitt Romney's hairs-breadth victory over Rick Santorum. But why the shock? Watching Santorum on the Sunday-morning circuit two weeks ago, I saw him point out that he was the only candidate who hadn't yet had a chance to run the gauntlet. Romney had held steady with 25% of the vote for six months or so, with Bachmann, Perry, Cain, and Gingrich all taking turns as the lead contender. Iowa came, and Santorum was up. And why not?
by Ed Martin on Jan 6, 11:57 AM
Television critics started compiling year-end top-10 lists back when there were only three networks. Aren't longer lists called for by now? Allow me to break with time-honored tradition by offering my choices for the twelve best series of the year, plus eight very deserving runners-up.
by Jane Clarke on Jan 5, 4:02 PM
The act of commercial avoidance via fast-forwarding is an example of time-shifting behavior. More common however, is program time-shifting for viewing at one's convenience at a later time. The ability to time-shift has been a boon to viewers but a challenge to content providers, advertisers and researchers who have struggled to find the most significant and accurate metrics to reflect time-shifting behavior. C3 ratings was one agreed-upon standard metric to reflect commercial viewership plus three days of playback. There are also metrics to measure any content playback within the same day and any playback within the same week.
by Charlene Weisler on Jan 4, 2:56 PM
The beginning of any new year is not only a time of looking forward and making annual resolutions, it is also a time of looking back. With both of those ideas in mind, I was curious to measure the prescience of some of the executives I interviewed back in 2009.
by Gary Holmes on Jan 3, 3:04 PM
Just when you think the influence of television can't get any more central to the political process, it does. Today's Iowa Caucuses end the first phase of the presidential campaign -- and so far television has been a more significant player than ever before.
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