November 20 - 23, 2024
Services across the internet, websites, and apps have become conveniences that consumers just don't want to give up, although they are willing to exchange data or pay for content and services.
The IAB surveyed more than 1,500 consumers to gain insights into how personal data has become the key to …
I'm having a difficult time with this study's findings. Television and radio were free for decades, but consumers began paying to access them when the media platforms shifted to a pay-model via cable/satellite/teleco services (and now streaming). No one was asked how much they would be compensated to lose access to free information. Let's take it a step further with brand licensing and promotional products - why aren't I compensated to wear a brand-associated apparel like a "Star Wars" t-shirt, but instaed have to pay for it, or radio station hat given away free at an event? I'm advertising thses brands by wearing them.
Based on Laurie's write up. I agree with Leo. Unfortunately one must be an IAB member to read the report. Not very transparent for an issue that deserves public discussion.