'Broadcasting+Cable', 'Multichannel News' To Cease Publication

Parent owner Future is halting print publication of its Broadcasting+Cable magazine as part of a plan to focus on sustainable initiatives within its B2B Media & Entertainment Group, the magazine reports.    

In addition, the firm is halting publication of its daily newsletters, B+C Multichannel News and NextTV, effective September 30.  

Instead, it will debut a newsletter called SmartBrief, featuring curated content, updates, and analysis on media & entertainment. The goal is to offer a streamlined source of information. And it will reformat its nexttv.com website on October 1, 2024.

Future has named industry veteran Charlie Weiss as chair of its 2025 Broadcasting+Cable Hall of Fame event. The current chairman, Bill McGorry, will partner with Weiss as chairman emeritus. 



“This industry is going through rapid transformation that requires our business to adapt,” says Amanda Darman-Allen, senior vice president of Future B2B. “By focusing our efforts on impactful in-person events and a unified newsletter, we believe we will maintain our role as a key connector and influencer."

Darman-Allen adds: “The B+C Hall of Fame is a perfect example of the kind of high-caliber event that aligns with our strategy.”



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