Take Your Medicine And Check Your Diet
    We have science now that shows that the old marketing ways are maybe maladaptive to our current environment. Most media buyers are running their shops - with a few exceptions - like it was 2004.
    Beep-Beep, Click-Click: Driving Commuters To Political Action
    Americans are spending more and more of their hyper-stressed days commuting. And, according to a 2012 study by three political scientists, commuting deters political participation, especially among lower-income citizens. They found that "time spent commuting involves a higher degree of depletion of psychological resources and incurrence of negative emotions than time spent on the job."
    Go Their Way: Reaching Likely Voters With Unpredictable Habits
    On both ends of the media consumption spectrum sit two groups: those that gather news and information exclusively from live TV, and those who forsake live TV almost entirely for internet content. Great solutions for reaching both groups already exist, and a solid campaign's media plan should offer solutions to reach both blocs of likely voters.
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