by Ran Ben-Yair on Feb 29, 12:20 PM
Around the country, digital consultants are now threading mobile-first strategies into candidates' campaigns. Bernie Sanders has been successfully deploying SnapChat, Ben Carson bought "complete domination of mobile" in Iowa, and ad buyers are flocking to gobble up mobile display inventory in a year when $1.1B of an expected total of $11.4B election season ad spending will go to digital, according to Borrell Associates.
by Andrew Stark on Feb 17, 9:00 AM
Campaigns today can look a lot like modern businesses, leveraging the latest technology and data to increase their efficiency and ROI. As political decision-making has moved from smoke-filled backrooms to social media and cable news, politicians, like businesses, need to think strategically about their brand perception and how they can best move people through their funnel.
by Fred Joseph on Feb 5, 9:00 AM
Many believe that digital marketing during the 2012 election led to Obama's upper hand and just about everything digital helped him to win the race. Given this, it's clear that leveraging mobile media will help the next president to pave the way to the White House. When it comes to politics, the mobile screen is often where voters will be accessing information about politicians.
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