by Emily Williams on Sep 29, 10:00 AM
It has been 10 years since I first planned an online advertising campaign for a political client. Back then, it was mostly Blogads, a unique unit of image and text that ran on, you guessed it, blogs. There were no Facebook ads, there was no YouTube, there were no iPhones. It is remarkable to think how far we've come.
by Zach Peterson on Sep 22, 12:00 PM
"This will be the first truly social presidential election." This, combined with "the youth vote will decide everything" is the most-evergreen of political #evergreentweets. The thing is, the first statement may actually be true.
by Michael Cornfield on Sep 17, 1:00 PM
As depicted on data graphs, political polarization looks like a barbell. People-dots cluster into two groups at the far ends of a plotted line that represents a range of opinions about something. Often, the "something" consists of opinions on an issue of the day.
by Michael Carey on Sep 15, 10:00 AM
Despite his lead in the Republican polls and ubiquitous media presence, businessman and TV reality star Donald Trump is unlikely to make it to his party's national convention, or so says our survey of more than 1,300 U.S. college students. Not only do 80% of all respondents believe Trump's campaign will end by this spring, but of those who plan to vote Republican, 65% believe that as well.
by John Haake on Sep 8, 5:06 PM
In the three years since President Obama's reelection in 2012, political parties, PACs, and other operatives are excited to harness the untapped potential of digital advertising to influence voters with hyper-targeted, relevant messages supporting their candidates or causes.
by Ray Kingman on Sep 8, 10:16 AM
Four years ago in front of what the Washington Post reported as a testy crowd at the Iowa State Fair, Mitt Romney responded to a call for increasing corporate taxes with the claim that "corporations are people, too, my friend." One of several tough exchanges for the Republican candidate over the course of his campaign, but one that, in spite of this "low light" moment, may hold a hidden truth that could help improve the execution of campaigns in the coming 2016 cycle.
by Shawn Kemp on Sep 1, 7:03 AM
Female voters largely determined the outcomes of many races in 2012, not the least of which was the presidency --with President Barack Obama winning the female vote by 12 points. While women are not a monolithic voting bloc, 2012 shined a light on the fact that women do have succinct policy priorities. At the time, Gallup polled men and women in swing states finding that men ranked jobs and the economy as the two most important election issues. Women placed abortion and jobs as number one and two, with gender equality at number five. Clearly, there are female-centric issues for …
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