Gen Z (60%), Millennials (56%) Say CTV Runs Better-Quality Ads

Magna Media Trials and Samsung Ads on Friday released a study exploring connected television (CTV) viewing habits of Gen Z and Millennials. The data and the behavior suggest that search may have a connection with next-generation campaigns.

The study -- Capturing the Attention of our Youngest Generations, The Digital Advertisers’ …

1 comment about "Gen Z (60%), Millennials (56%) Say CTV Runs Better-Quality Ads".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, November 6, 2023 at 3:44 p.m.

    In this kind of study, I would expect 90%+ of younger respondents to contend that CTV has better ads than cable---not a mere 60%. In any event the only evidence on this subject--- or related ones about ad "relevance"---- that a sensible advertiser would take seriously would be based on brand-specific, ad-specific research, not sweeping generalities which produce highly impressionistic findings.

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