by Erik Sass on Oct 3, 1:25 PM
With a stringent 140-character limit on text, it's no surprise Twitter has been rolling out multimedia features to boost engagement. After introducing photo sharing back in 2011, Twitter delved further into sight, sound and motion with the acquisition of Vine in 2012, then began allowing users to share six-second video clips on Twitter itself at the beginning of 2013. Recently the microblogging platform took another step to simplifying video sharing, with its announcement at the end of June that it is supporting animated GIFs.
by Erik Sass on Oct 2, 12:31 PM
Online bullying has become a favorite topic for handwringing among adults, but this week brought some tentative good news, as it seems all the efforts to raise awareness of bullying may actually be paying off. Maybe. Depending which survey results you choose to believe.
by Erik Sass on Oct 1, 12:40 PM
Every week seems to bring a new social network -- or two, or three, or twenty. And while everyone is all excited about Ello, a social network that promises to be the anti-Facebook by banning ads and instead charging people for special features and functions, there are some other interesting new social networks on the radar. One newcomer worth considering is MyCoop (pronounced "koop" like "chicken coop," not "did you get the vegan gluten-free granola at the co-op"), a social network for tenants of apartment buildings and condo owners.
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